Hurricane Evacuation Route
New Orleans Contraflow Map | about | blog | official state maps

-Contraflow starts 30 hours before the onset of tropical winds

-Exits off of some Contrastate lanes may not be allowed

-Always obey law enforcement traffic instructions

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Busy Few Days

I heard horror stories of the contraflow disaster at the I-59/I-10/I-12 interchange. Jindal has got to fix this, or people will not evacuate.

We also got a few emails from visitors who wanted help planning their route. The most common question was "Can I take I-10 East at the I-59/10/12 interchange?"

Thanks go out to The Wall Street Journal Storm Tracker blog for the link love, but WWLTV's link from their home page sent in the most traffic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.